Friday, May 25, 2012


I guess it's true that you don't need a lot of fancy toys to keep a child entertained. Dakota continues to reaffirm this notion day after day after day! She loves playing in a planter box that we previously used for herbs. I recently gave her the garden hose and she has really stepped her creativity up to the next level...she fills her truck and watering can up, waters my flowers, quenches her thirst, fills the dog's bowl with water (and then adds dirt), and in general makes a GIGANTIC mess of herself and the deck. Boy is she thoroughly entertained though!
Just getting into playtime.  She is still somewhat clean.
 Dirt has now moved from her hands and pants to her face.
 Fillin up her truck.
Trickle, trickle, trickle...big rig getting filled up.
 "Mom!  I'm going to feed the dogs mud!"
 Mixing up something special.
 Water running down the arms.  We are now going to fully soak ourselves!
 If the hose directly soaking us wasn't enough, this dog bowl filled with water should do the trick.
 Just another afternoon of dirt, water and dog bowls.
 She really takes in too much water too quickly!
 "Your turn Mom!"
 There is only a 80% chance of rain today...she thought all our pots needed some extra H2O
 Ha Ha Ha!!  I love playing in the dirt and's fun and it makes extra laundry for mom!
Ha Ha Ha!!